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This international congress was organised by the Medical Association Fasting and Nutrition (ÄGHE e.V.) in cooperation with the Clinics Buchinger Wilhelmi in Überlingen and Marbella and the Maria Buchinger Foundation.
Renowned international guests from Germany, France, Switzerland and Russia lectured on their research and clinical experience in the field of fasting and caloric restriction. Prof. Valter Longo from the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, received the Maria Buchinger Foundation Award for his work about “Fasting and Longevity” and “Fasting and Cancer”. All Dimensions of fasting were covered: Therapeutical fasting, spiritual fasting in Christianity and fasting for the healthy.
Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, Überlingen
José Manuel García Verdugo, Marbella
Andreas Michalsen, Berlin
Gustav Dobos, Essen
Valter Longo, Los Angeles
Michael Boschmann, Berlin
Gudrun Museehl, Illmensee
Yvon Le Maho, Straßburg
Stanislav Muraviev, Tyumen, Russland
Niklaus Brantschen, SJ, Bad Schönbrunn
Sylvie Gilman, Paris
Claus Leitzmann, Giessen
Michaela Döll, Wachenheim
Markus Bock, Berlin
Eva Lischka, Überlingen
Award Ceremony
Prof. Valter Longo receives the Maria Buchinger Foundation Award 2013. Prof. Yvon Le Maho holds an eulogy.
Ärztegesellschaft Heilfasten & Ernährung e.V.
The Medical Association of Fasting and Nutrition, founded in 1986, promotes research on therapeutic fasting and integrative nutrition and supports their clinical application.
Buchinger Wilhelmi
Buchinger Wilhelmi are leading clinics for therapeutical fasting and integrative medicine. In 2013 they celebrate their 100th anniversary. Buchinger Wilhelmi Überlingen exists since 60 and Marbella since 40 years.
The Maria Buchinger Foundation
The Maria Buchinger Foundation has been created to honour Maria Buchinger, founder of Marbella's clinica Buchinger Wilhelmi.
The goal of the foundation is to promote research on fasting in partnership with universities and progressive institutions; fasting as a therapy, as a preventive and as a spiritual procedure.